Discover new titles written by Creative Leadership Solutions thought leaders
Books by Dr. Douglas Reeves
Achieving Equity & Excellence: Immediate Results From the Lessons of High-Poverty, High-Success Schools
Douglas Reeves
Empower students, teachers, and administrators to make dramatic improvements in achievement, behavior, and attendance in a single semester. Bring equitable teaching practices and active learning strategies into the classroom. Improve learning outcomes for students in high-poverty schools and poor socioeconomic backgrounds.
Deep Change Leadership: A Model for Renewing and Strengthening Schools and Districts
Douglas Reeves
Change efforts often fail to meet their desired ends. Learn how to make a real, sustainable impact with Deep Change Leadership. This school leadership resource highlights engagement, inquiry, and focused action as part of an effective leadership model.
100-Day Leaders: Turning Short-Term Wins Into Long-Term Success in Schools
Douglas Reeves, Robert Eaker
Dramatically increase student achievement and transform school culture in only 100 days. Using focused, strategic planning and change management, educational leadership can make significant changes that lead to continuous school improvement.
Books by Creative Leadership’s Associates
A Lesson Plan from A-Z: The Middle School Mindset
Dr. Dru Tomlin
Buckle up as we dive into the essence of middle level education, presented in the familiar format of the everyday alphabet. Using selected words from A-Z, Dru Tomlin sets out to examine and explore, to quest and question, to ask and answer, how we can reach every student and create great middle schools. You’ll finish this book full of hope and optimism, ready to put your middle grades mindset to work.
How To Achieve Educational Equity
Dr. Howard E. Fields III
Educational equity is more than an image. It is more than being able to watch a baseball game while standing on boxes. To frame it as such oversimplifies the complexities associated with this term. Educational equity should be defined as creating and/or eliminating policies, systems, and practices in schools that impact the experiences, outcomes, and access to resources for students from previously excluded groups. In How to Achieve Educational Equity, Dr. Fields shares his experiences and a framework to help us along our equity journey.
She Leads: The Women’s Guide To a Career In Educational Leadership
Dr. Rachael George and Majalise W. Tolan
With wisdom and implementable guidance that’s applicable to early-career leaders and veterans alike, this book is designed to help you land your dream job, make sure your voice is heard, find (and offer) support, attain better balance, and learn the leadership style that suits your strengths.
Transfers & Open Enrollment: An Educator’s Guide to Identifying And Reconnecting Disengaged Students
Dr. Howard E. Fields III
On June 11, 2013, the Breitenfeld vs. School District of Clayton decision catapulted The Student Transfer Law into action, making it the biggest education story in the region. Though busing students from Black communities to White communities was not an entirely new practice, requiring these already less resourced school districts to pay transportation and tuition costs for student transfers was certainly a newer, more challenging element.
Beyond Conversations About Race: A Guide for Discussions with Students, Teachers, and Communities
Washington Collado, Sharroky Hollie, Rosa Isiah, Yvette Jackson, Anthony Muhammad, Douglas Reeves, Kenneth C. Williams
This essential work provokes respectful dialogue about race that catalyzes school-changing action. Learn how to talk about race in the classroom and discover actionable steps you can take toward promoting a safe, equitable environment for marginalized students and underserved communities.
Lead with Collaboration: A Complete Guide for Transforming Staff Meetings
Allyson Apsey & Jessica Gomez
In the age of time-strapped teachers, shifting standards, and distance learning, how can educational leaders ensure that every staff meeting absolutely could not have been an email? Jessica Gomez and Allyson Apsey set the agenda for planning—and leading—meetings that are purposeful, impactful, and inspiring.
The Successful Middle School Leader
Dr. Cedrick Gray
School leader is not a job description with a checklist of actions or skills. It is a way of being. Now more than ever, each school, classroom, and team needs a living organism at the helm—one with all its parts strong, healthy, and functioning together. The successful middle school leader has a distinct anatomy that enables them to join with others in working relationships to produce the results students deserve.
What Makes a Great Principal: The Five Pillars of Effective Leadership
Allyson Apsey, George Couros
Many leadership books outline the "what" of effective leadership without delving into the "how." What sets What Makes a Great Principal apart from others are three key elements: a clear emphasis on what truly matters, narratives and strategies directly sourced from teachers and students, and a diverse range of perspectives that collectively paint a comprehensive picture of impactful school leadership.
From Ghosts to Graduates: An Educator’s Guide to Identifying and Reconnecting Disengaged Students
Emily Freeland, Ed.D.
This timely book recognizes that three years of interrupted learning has created an impending dropout timebomb of students who are traditionally at risk, as well as those who became disengaged during pandemic learning. Many students are ghosts in the system--they have become disconnected and disenchanted with schooling. Instead of only addressing strategies to treat the symptoms of dropping out, this important resource addresses the causes of the disengagement that led to those symptoms.
Leading the Whole Teacher: Strategies for Supporting the Educators in Your School
Allyson Apsey
How could school leaders create a school environment that nurtures the whole teacher? What impact could a school that sets teachers up for success have on student achievement? This book explores the six components of the whole teacher with strategies and ideas to create the environment that teachers need to thrive.
The Successful Middle School Schedule
Ann McCarty Perez, Ed.D.
Perhaps one of the most wide-reaching decisions a school leader makes is that of the schedule. It truly affects everyone. From start to end times, it impacts, parents, bus drivers, food service staff, teachers, and students. As we approach the schedule, it is not enough to just study the 18 Characteristics of Successful Middle Schools. It is our imperative to put them into action.