Strategic Planning

We know that “drive-by” workshops do not work.  We engage in long-term relationships with schools and districts.  We build capacity for teachers and school leaders to continue the work.

How Creative Leadership Solutions Gets Results For Schools and Districts

Impact: In every partnership with schools and districts, we document the evidence of impact on student achievement, behavior, attendance, teaching, and leadership.  Every year we provide evidence of impact so that board members, parents, and community leaders know that their investment in education is paying dividends. 

Relationships: We know that “drive-by” workshops do not work.  We engage in long-term relationships with schools and districts.  We build capacity for teachers and school leaders to continue the work.

Focus: Most schools are overwhelmed with initiative fatigue.  We help schools and districts achieve deep implementation of the strategies that have the greatest impact.

Feedback: We provide monthly feedback to senior leaders on strategies that are working well and where improvement is necessary.  We support improved feedback for students, teachers, and leaders at every level.

Expertise: We provide unparalleled expertise as a result of our work in 50 states and more than 40 countries.  The impact of our work is extensively documented in published work and supported with evidence from hundreds of other researchers. 

Strategic Planning Task Force

A strategic plan is a compilation of focus areas, goals, strategies, and expectations that embody the district’s principles while working toward a set of clearly defined expectations for success. Strategic planning should be a collaborative process that seeks to gather stakeholder and community input to best guide those who are trusted with public funds to meet the needs of students. The goal of the Strategic Planning Task Force is to collaboratively create a draft plan to offer to the Superintendent and Board of Education that is focused on the success of the district and guided by data and stakeholder input.