Focus On The Right Work

Collaborative Teams consistently focus on Learning, Assessment, Tier 1 Support and Enrichment.  These teams work to first identify specific learning standards to focus upon, highlighting specific concepts and skills intended to be mastered within the specific interval of instruction, which lead to the creation of learning intentions and success criteria. Ideally, teams should be working together to both select formative assessments to be used to monitor student progress along the way, while also allowing time for collaborative scoring of student work.  Instructional strategies, both for Tier 1 Insturction and Enrichment are noted as a means to ensure all students are receiving the instructional support/challenges they need.  

Teams who become better versed in these practices are then able to create common formative assessments for student learning, deconstruct learning standards on a consistent basis, calibrate expectations both for rigor and proficient student work, while also becoming better consumers of learning resources better aligned to expected student learning outcomes aligned within grade level/content level learning standards.