Improving Grading Practices Through Collaborative Teams
Many districts have undertaken the vital work of choosing Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) as a tool for school improvement. Some districts are new to the process, while others have the challenge of moving from compliance to implementation to truly see results. Districts that have started the work will see pockets of success but need additional support to systematize the efforts and standardize the process. They may see teams that use data but do not act or others who notice changes in the data but do not ask why. Many districts have challenges with scheduling, structures, and creating dedicated time for teachers to focus on the instructional process, or time may be spent on other factors that may not impact student performance. In some cases, buildings and districts may experience challenges focusing on capitalizing on successes, supporting adult learning, or creating focus based on student and adult learning needs. Action research is a proven process for PLCs to address some of their biggest challenges facing them in their instruction and grading practices.