Master Scheduling Workshops: Recommended 2-4 Days
The scheduling team will engage in activities that encompass the culture for a responsive school schedule designed to best meet the needs of all learners. Some activities include review of vision, mission, and values, creating belief statements, assessing access to curriculum for students, and how and where students are served. This workshop helps the scheduling team create the compelling why for necessary changes that need to be made in the schedule.
Typically reviewed documents:
School/district vision, mission, values statements
School/district improvement or strategic plan
District or School Graduate Profile for reference or other graduation requirements from the state
Anything pertinent to school culture, vision, and mission
Workshop Outcome: the team will develop the purpose statement and/or belief statements for the “why” of the schedule that will be used to guide the process.
This workshop includes and references any previous work completed by the scheduling team and engages them in an examination of Tier 1 practices and a complete data dive to prioritize the scheduling needs of the schools. The data dive is tailored specifically to the school or district context and anticipated outcomes for the scheduling process.
Data Dive priorities can include:
Academic Achievement
Intervention and enrichment
Discipline, attendance, and social emotional needs of students
Advanced courses, pathways, and equity
Staff or student organization (Teaming, Collaboration structures, Academies etc)
Review of contract language when applicable
During the data dive, the team identifies themes and trends that should be addressed by the schedule. The identified areas help the team create a list of priorities for allocation of time and resources. The priorities are cross-referenced with the values and beliefs from the Culture Workshop.
Sample data options used during this workshop:
All types of school data as disaggregated as possible (internal or external)
Grade distribution by grade/course by ethnicity
Staff survey results if applicable
Previous Schedules studied and results if applicable
Any pertinent state data for special populations
Negotiated Agreement
Any state regulations that will come into play during the lifetime of this schedule
Workshop Outcome: A completed data dive and priority list for scheduling.
During this workshop, the scheduling team will explore schedule frameworks and discuss pros and cons. This will include all types of schedules the school would like to consider and options from the field that have been used to work with time creatively. Team members will engage in draft schedule creation based on the previously developed beliefs, data, scheduling priorities, and new ways of looking at times. Schedule drafts are shared, discussed and then turned into viable options for consideration.
Common Schedule Types Explored:
Modified Black
Mixed Time
Flexible Schedules
Workshop Outcome: Exploration of time through frameworks and draft schedule(s).
CLS Associate works with administration or smaller subgroup of team members to discuss information gathered during other workshops to create schedule options that are driven from the data and align with the district and school vision, mission, and beliefs. This workshop also includes creating a communication plan for schedule role out to staff, parents, students, and other stakeholders. This workshop provides a small working group with dedicated time to evaluate courses, staffing, and ensuring that schedule options can be implemented.
Additional information needed for this workshop:
Staffing allocations
Staff input and feedback from previous workshops
Course requirements or specifics to include pre-requisites
Restrictive or prescriptive contract language
Workshop Outcome: analysis of staffing for schedule drafts to ensure the schedule can be completed and communication plan. Outcomes vary based on client needs.