The Ketchup Solution
How an Iowa school district confronted its challenges, made significant changes, and worked its way to improved student achievement
The Leadership Challenge in Literacy
Although all educators acknowledge the importance of literacy for student success, schools have a long way to go in implementing consistent, high-quality literacy programs.
The Pen Is Mightier Than the Keyboard: Advantages of Longhand Over Laptop Note Taking
Taking notes on laptops rather than in longhand is increasingly common. Many researchers have suggested that laptop note taking is less effective than longhand note taking for learning.
The Trouble with Handwriting
Is cursive important anymore? By dismissing handwriting, we diminish student confidence and fluency and risk dire consequences for skills in other areas.
The Value of Culture
One of the most difficult challenges in any school reform proposal is the local context.
The Write Way
Budget cuts are forcing writing out of the classroom, but it remains the foundation of strong literacy and achievement. Is it a focus in your district?
Uninformative Assessment
Districts are making huge investments in testing and assessments, but make sure you are using insight to act on the results instead of just looking at the data
Using Student Learning in Teacher Assessment
A strategy for building a strong collegial culture while taking student learning into account in assessing teachers.
Welding Literacy into Scientific Instruction
An experienced educator provides a literacy protocol for interpreting scientific complex texts.
What Does the Public Really Want?
Board members must separate fact from fiction when trying to figure out the real expectations their community has for the school district and from public education as a whole
What Happened To Creativity?
Douglas Reeves is the founder of The Center for Successful Leadership (
Engaging the Disengaged Learner
Learn how to engage the disengaged learner as Dr. Douglas Reeves shares evidence based practices. Dr. Reeves builds a case using evidence of engagement, causes of disengagement, and practical solutions. Finally, he addresses envisioning a better world for students, facility, and communities.
The New Model of Change Leadership
The New Model of Educational Change focuses on action before buy-in. What does the 21st century say about educational change? One to one, peer to peer and non evaluative coaching has more impact than traditional evaluation systems.