Team Coaching
CLS provides coaching with immediate feedback to PLCs - teacher teams, building teams, and district leadership teams across the nation. While many PLCs and teacher teams analyze data, they may or may not take action based on effect data, or they may not know how to change course based on cause data (adult behaviors, including administrative conditions and instructional strategies used by teachers). Many districts have challenges with scheduling, structures, and creating dedicated time for teachers to focus on the instructional process, or time may be spent on other factors that may not impact student performance. In some cases, buildings and districts may experience challenges focusing on capitalizing on successes, supporting adult learning, or creating focus based on student and adult learning needs.
Focus of the PLC Collaborative Meetings
The teams receive just in time professional development in context of daily teacher work. All teams appreciate feedback especially from an outside source. The feedback focuses on commendations and opportunities for continued growth. Most importantly, the team(s) build collective efficacy improving the culture of building and district. Moreover, time is saved by teachers and administrators by changing from minutes of meetings to the four-line e-mail – learning, assessment, intervention, enrichment.
Interested in Team Coaching?
Clients appreciate the following deliverables:
Direct, written feedback to each team coached with commendations and opportunities
Direct, written feedback to building leadership team with commendations and opportunities
Synopsized, written feedback to district with commendations and opportunities
Actionable recommendations to enhance current practices
Timely resources and professional development to support PLC progress
Ongoing monitoring and support to building leadership teams to ensure PLC enhancement
Pre-assessment, progress monitoring, and post-assessment for each team, synopsized by building and district